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2015-08-11 Selectmen's Minutes
Stow Board of Selectmen
August 11, 2015
Town Building
Present at the meeting that was held at Town Building were Donald Hawkes, Brian Burke, Charles Kern, Thomas Ryan and James Salvie.

Also present were William Wrigley, Town Administrator and Maureen Trunfio, Administrative Assistant.

Mr. Hawkes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Public Input: None

Chairman’s Comments: Mr. Hawkes announced that the Conservation Commission will be sponsoring “Down on the Farm” Captain Sargent Day on Saturday, August 15th. Festivities will begin with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the recently acquired Brewer Woods property at 9:30 a.m. and continue throughout the morning and will include a hike, tour of the Stow Community Gardens and more. Those interested in attending should park at the Community Farmland on Tuttle Lane and walk to the corner of South Acton Road and Tuttle Lane.

Meeting minutes
Mr. Salvie moved to accept the meeting minutes of July 14, 2015 as amended. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed. Mr. Burke abstained.
Discussion regarding Planning Department “Compact Community” Application
Town Planner Karen Kelleher was present to explain the Planning Department’s request for the Selectmen to enter into a Compact Agreement between the Town of Stow and the Baker-Polito Administration.
The Compact is a voluntary, mutual agreement entered into between the Commonwealth and individual cities and towns of the Commonwealth. A member community will agree to implement at least one best practice that they select from a variety of areas. Benefits from Compacts include assistance from the State and overall improved communication between the State, towns and cities.
Mrs. Kelleher explained that Stow will apply to enter into Agreements under three areas and those relate to promoting local agriculture, transportation and solar energy. Mr. Ryan noted that there does not appear to be a downside.
Mr. Salvie moved to approve the Compact Community application as written by the Planning Department, and authorize the Chair to sign it. Mr. Burke seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Discussion regarding Planning Department MassWorks Grant Application
Mrs. Kelleher was present to request authorization to submit a 2015 MassWorks Infrastructure Program Grant in the amount of $1M. She reported that the grant seeks funds for construction of roadway improvements along Route 117 in Stow’s Lower Village area. Mr. Burke offered his assistance if any is required.

The Lower Village project ties in with the Town Center Planning Project, completed in conjunction with UMASS Center for Economic Development graduate students.

Mr. Burke moved to authorize the Planning Department to write and submit a 2015 MassWorks grant application for Lower Village final construction funds. Mr. Salvie seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Recognition of Eagle Scout
The Selectmen voted to sign a Certificate of Achievement of Eagle Scout status by Tim Benoit of Troop One.  One of the Selectmen, possibly Mr. Ryan, will attend Mr. Benoit’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony on Sunday, August 30, 2015 to be held at Hale Middle School at 1 p.m. and present him with the signed certificate. Mr. Benoit’s project involved research on current, past and present members of the Stow Police Department and installing a granite memorial at the Stow Police Station. Mr. Burke commented on the fine character of Mr. Benoit.
Mr. Burke moved to recognize Tim Benoit for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, and to sign the proclamation for Tim’s recognition ceremony on August 30, 2015. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Report on Status of Annual Lake Boon Weed Treatment Program
Mr. Hawkes, as liaison to the Lake Boon Commission, reported an update regarding the status of the weed treatment program on the Lake. Many residents have noted that this year’s treatment was not as effective as they have been in the past. Mr. Hawkes informed the Board that the LBC will be seeking bids next year for a new contract, and the Town should anticipate a request for significantly more money for the treatments. Mr. Hawkes suggested that the Chair of the Finance Committee, Peter McManus advise these discussions. Mr. Hawkes has asked the current provider for a rough estimate of the increase that will occur.
Since the current provider, Aquatic Technologies, is apparently the only provider of this service in the area, Mr. Ryan suggested that the Town talk to someone at State level, possibly DEP, to inquire whether there are other providers available for hire.
Mr. Hawkes pointed out that waterfront property along Lake Boon is possibly the highest assessed residential property in town. Therefore, it should justify preventive maintenance by the Town. He added that the Town of Hudson provides 1/3 of the funding for such a project on Lake Boon.
Report on Meeting held August 3 in Sudbury with Selectmen representatives of Minuteman High School towns re: proposed building project to be submitted to Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA)
Mr. Hawkes reported that he attended a meeting that was called by the Town of Sudbury on Monday, August 3rd. Selectmen from all but three member towns were present. He said there was respectful, open discussion, and there was a suggestion made that the group reconvene at some date in the future.
He added that on August 6, 2015 the MSBA met and approved the recommendation to move forward with plans for a 628-student building. MSBA would not entertain the idea for funding the construction project if it were presented at a number less than 600 students. Mr. Kern explained that many member towns are concerned with the large number of students because they feel that Minuteman is proposing to build a school that can accommodate many out-of-district children, whose member towns do not contribute to capital costs associated with the school.
The Selectmen thanked Alice DeLuca, Stow’s representative to Minuteman High School, for her update to the Selectmen at their July 30, 2015 meeting, and for her continued efforts relating to Minuteman High School.  

2015 Fall Special Town Meeting (STM) Date and Warrant Dates
The Board chose Monday, November 16, 2015 as the date for Fall Special Town Meeting. The warrant was opened at this meeting and will close on Friday, September 4, 2015.
Mr. Salvie moved that the Board set Monday, November 16, 2015 as the date for a Special Town Meeting, to be held at Hale Middle School, 55 Hartley Road, at 7 p.m. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Mr. Salvie moved that the Board open the Fall 2015 Special Town Meeting warrant on August 11, 2015 and close the warrant on September 4, 2015. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Town Administrator’s report
Mr. Wrigley reported that site work is underway at Pompositticut School in its conversion to a community center/fire station. He added that the Building Committee has had some recent discussions with respect to the possible inclusion in the STM warrant of an article to fund the replacement of the Pompositticut roof as part of the Fire Station and Community Center building project, depending on the cost. Building Commissioner Craig Martin is estimating that the cost of roof replacement will be approximately $841,220.  Mr. Wrigley added that given the amount of the estimated expense of installing a new roof, and the effect it will have of substantially reducing the amount in the project contingency funding reserve, the Building Commissioner is recommending that we stay with the original design approach for now of keeping the present roof, hoping to get another 10 years of active life from it, and that he concurred with the assessment.
Mr. Martin is still evaluating the prospects of overlaying the existing roof with a rubber membrane rather than replacing it.  An overlay would be much less expensive and this work could wait until the back end of the project when we will know just how much money remains in the project budget.

Mr. Wrigley told the Board that there would be a warrant article seeking to allow the Town of Wayland to withdraw from the Minuteman Regional School District, and that it would require an affirmative vote at town meeting by all of the member towns to amend the existing Minuteman District Agreement expressly allowing Wayland’s withdrawal.
He added that there is expected to be an article proposing a new Earth Removal Permit bylaw as well as an article offering a new Noise bylaw. He commended Kathy Sferra, Craig Martin, Karen Kelleher and Jesse Steadman on their considerable efforts involved with revising the bylaws.
Mr. Wrigley left the meeting at 8:09 p.m.
Liaison reports
Mr. Burke reported on Community Preservation Committee (CPC) articles that may be included in the fall 2015 STM warrant. One relates to a funds request by Stow Municipal Affordable Housing Trust (SMAHT) and one relates to a funds request by the Randall Library.
With regard to the proposed Randall Library project, Mr. Salvie and Mr. Burke have recommended that Library officials coordinate with the Town Administrator, who serves as the Town’s Chief Procurement Officer.
Mr. Salvie announced that he will schedule a Pompo Building Committee meeting on 8/24 to discuss roof options.
Mr. Ryan had nothing to report.
Mr. Kern had nothing to report.
Mr. Hawkes mentioned that the Planning Board was meeting to review the Planning Department’s draft findings regarding the Collings Foundation. They are planning to act upon the findings on August 26, 2015, but the legal deadline to issue is September 4, 2015.
Mr. Burke made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 PM. Mr. Salvie seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Trunfio
Administrative Assistant to the Board of Selectmen